Cтратегія удосконалення правового регулювання технологій smart grid

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Стаття викликала інтерес та позитивні відгуки у працівників Центру навколишнього середовища, ресурсів та енергетичного права університету Waikato (Нова Зеландія), службовців Німецького Федерального Агентства з питань електрики, газу, телекомунікацій, пошти та залізничного транспорту, консультантів з міжнародного права у нафтогазовій сфері (Велика Британія), асистентів професорів університету нафти та технологій (Іран).

Дослідження також було високо оцінене відбірковим журі на конференцію із міждисциплінарних вивчень, освіти, науки та технологій (Індія)

Strategy for improving the legal regulation of smart grid technologies

According to analytical research by Intrado in 2019, the global market for green technologies amounted to 10.5 billion dollars.

The company explained the sum of 10.5 billion by the annual growth of eco-products, as well as the growth in the civil turnover of goods and services that have a moderate or lesser impact on the environment.

In addition, government initiatives in decarbonization, as well as technologies that ensure a sustainable flow of energy have an impact on the modernization of renewable energy.

An example of a technology that provides a steady flow of energy is smart grid technology.

Smart grid technologies are now focused on the following projects:
  1. green construction;
  2. carbon management;
  3. monitoring of the weather forecasting system;
  4. monitoring of the harvest system.
It should be noted that the researcher Claudia Klinsmann made a forecast of trends in smart grid technology for 2021. Among the technological trends she included:
  1. hydrogen using;
  2. fuel cells;
  3. electric gas stations.
However, smart grid technologies have not been widely used due to objective and subjective factors, as well as due to the existence of a number of reasons.

Canadian government economists have described factors that inhibit the transformation of the growth of clean technologies, including smart grid technologies. The reasons for inhibition, they call:
  1. low access to capital;
  2. insufficient grant financing, which corresponds to the risks and costs of clean technologies;
  3. lack of market information and no participation in international projects;
  4. lack of studying the biological processes.
The above-mentioned Canadian economists propose to solve the noticed problems through standardization, fund formation, creation of a management technology agency, the establishment of environmental hubs for the growth of smart grid technologies.

It should be underlined that the methods described above for the growth of smart grid technologies are incomplete due to the lack of tools that would accelerate the implementation of smart grid technologies.

Therefore, in our opinion, national plans and national concepts of smart grid development should be supplemented primarily by the following tools:
  1. revision of the institution of financial leasing and making changes to the practice of application of commission agreements (revision of the institution of financial leasing and making changes to the practice of application of commission agreements (national regulation of investor's activity should smallest. We must choose independent private funds with the lowest percentages of payments. Leasing agreements and commissions are the best tools for it);
  2. electrification of family farms (farming families, which produce the goods have not elementary access to the electrification in our times, despite it is 21 centuries. So, smart grid technologies cannot evolution);
  3. elimination of legal and technical barriers in access to the physical infrastructure of electrical networks (technical infrastructure is not ready for the total modernization. Nowadays exist complication from the regulatory policy in part of the re-equipments). 

  4. The use of the above-mentioned tools will improve the legal regulation of smart grid technologies.

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